A great achievement for ESFA project funded by AI4Copernicus
We are excited to announce that projects which have resulted from the AI4Copernicus Open Calls are progressing well beyond their typical obligations. We congratulate the funded project ESFA -Empirical Seasonal Forecasts for Agriculture, stemming from the 3rd Open Call for experiments with company Geoskop supporting the project, which has been selected by the business incubation center of the European Space Agency – ESA in Barcelona.
The business incubation centre Business Incubation Center (BIC) in Barcelona of the European Space Agency has selected six space tech start-ups to be part of the incubation programme. The selected companies will receive 50,000 euros to further develop their product or service and will have up to two years of incubation from now on. Promoted by the Government of Catalonia as part of the NewSpace Strategy, and also by the UPC and the Mediterranean Technology Park, the programme will incubate up to 18 companies in three years.