AI4Copernicus & AI4EU co-organised AI-on-Demand Ontology Workshop
AI4Copernicus and AI4EU projects co-organised the online AI-on-Demand Ontology Workshop, on Friday 26 March 2021. The workshop was co-organised by the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR Demokritos along with the University College Cork, and attracted more than 70 participants stemming from the AI4EU and the ICT49/48 project communities.
More specifically, project partner University of Athens presented AI4Copernicus in the second session that was devoted to ICT49/48 projects. Further ICT49/48 participants presented their projects and their requirements for exploiting AI knowledge sources. The session was coordinated by Gabriel Gonzalez-Castañé (UCC) and the presented projects were:
AI4Copernicus: Eleni Tsalapati (University of Athens, Greece)
StairwAI: Javier Vazquez (UPC, Spain)
I-NERGY: Leonadro Lambaro (ENG, Italy)
AIPlan4EU: Andrea Micheli (FBK, Italy)
DIH4AI: Tomas Pariente (Atos, Spain)
Tailor: Fredrik Heintz (Linköping University, Sweden)
BonsAPPS: Tim Llewellynn (Bonseyes, Switzerland)
In the first session, the AI4EU Conceptual Model and its supported Ontology was presented by:
- Costas Spyropoulos, NCSR Demokritos, Greece
- Antonis Koukourikos, NCSR Demokritos, Greece
- Olivier Corby, INRIA, France

ICT49 is the Horizon 2020 program call for proposals on Artificial Intelligence on-demand platforms that will build on the AI-on-demand-platform AI4EU, aiming at consolidating the ecosystem by bringing in a larger user community and by reinforcing the service layer of the platform. The projects that resulted from this call are the ICT49 projects, including the AI4Copernicus, among DIH4AI, I-NERGY, AIPlan4EU, StairwAI, BonsAPPs.
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