Continuing our dissemination activities to raise awareness and visibility about AI4Copernicus, the project was presented at the prestigious Living Planet Symposium 2022, in Bonn, Germany between 23-27 May 2022. The conference is organised by the European Space Agency (ESA) and is amongst the biggest Earth Observation conferences in the world.

Partners Equinor, SatCen, ECMWF and CloudFerro attended the event physically, with a presentation during the conference. More specifically, Vasileios Baousis, ECMWF presented in the session “The Copernicus Programme – Looking Back, Going Forward (IV) Digital Copernicus – Convergence of emerging technologies shaping Europe’s digital future”, on Wednesday 25 May, titled “Current status and thoughts on a potential roadmap for improving end-user uptake of Earth Observation and Copernicus data services”. During his presentation he elaborated on the objectives of the project, the general architecture of the AI4Copernicus with the bootstrapping services, project status and how it contributes to the user uptake of the EO data.

Additionally, Sergio Albani, SatCen participated in the panel of the session titled “Climate Security – The key role of R&I and cooperation to address global threats”, on Wednesday 25 May, where AI4Copernicus and the winning project SR4C3 from the 1st Open Call, were showcased.

A few words about LPS 2022: The symposium was held at the World Conference Centre, in Bonn, Germany. The event did not only see scientists present their latest findings on Earth’s environment and climate derived from satellite data, but also focused on Earth observation’s role in building a sustainable future and a resilient society. Participants were also able to explore how emerging technologies are revolutionising the use of Earth observation and how business and the economy can benefit from this new epoch.