Check out the ICT49 cluster projects’ infographic jointly showcasing our Open Calls!
The ICT49 cluster of the six European projects on Artificial Intelligence proudly presents a common infographic which is a snapshot of the results so far, and includes the funding distributed to beneficiaries through the Open Calls process.

All six projects that belong to the ICT49 cluster (AI4Copernicus, StairwAI, i-nergy, AIPlan4eu, BonsAPPs and DIH4AI) aim to reinforce the European AI on Demand Platform for Artificial Intelligence (AIoD) and to bring together the wider AI ecosystem and the extended community of users, especially from the non-tech sector.
The AI on Demand Platform is a reference access point gathering AI-related knowledge, algorithms, tools and providing access to related services, assets and data resources, offering expert support to potential users of AI in order to facilitate the integration of AI into applications, making it a compelling solution for users.