About Copernicus
Copernicus is the European Union’s Earth observation programme, looking at our planet and its environment to benefit all European citizens. It offers information services that draw from satellite Earth Observation and in-situ (non-space) data.
The technological evolution, especially in terms of availability and accessibility, has made Copernicus the largest space data provider in the world, currently producing 12 terabytes per day. Hence, the user base is rapidly growing to reach new stakeholders such as businesses, entrepreneurs and citizens worldwide. The mass sharing and use of Copernicus (and earlier GMES) data and information started across a series of heterogeneous platforms while the user carried the burden of download, processing and storage. To facilitate and standardise access to this data, the European Commission funded the deployment of five cloud-based platforms providing centralised access to Copernicus data and information, as well as to processing tools. These platforms are known as the DIAS, or Data and Information Access Services.
AI4Copernicus aims to expand and deepen the integration of AI4EU with the DIAS platforms and drive the evolution, uptake and impact of all involved platforms, especially WEkEO and CREODIAS.