3rd round of Open Calls: closed
3rd Open Call for Experiments (deadline 30 April, 17.00 CEST)
Meet the 3rd Open Call winners!
Below you can download the relevant documents for the 3rd round of Open Calls and for the following phases:
Proposal Preparation
(Documents that you need in order to prepare the proposal)
Proposal Submission
(Document that you need in order to write the proposal)
Award Phase
(Document that you need if your proposal is selected for funding)
- Project Declaration of Honour
- SME Declaration
- Bank Account Information
- Sub-grant Agreement Template for experiment projects

Type of proposal: Experiments (The end output of the experiments should be at min TRL6)
Beneficiaries: SMEs, startups, spin-offs (single partner projects)
Funding: up to €80k for each prototype (8 prototypes to be funded) (proposals that exceed €60.000 and up to €80.000 will need to clearly justify their budgetary request)
Developing and testing AI technical solutions that address industrial challenges by exploiting AI resources and Earth Observation Data focusing on any industrial domain.
- 3rd open call Q1 2022 (February – April)
- Submission Deadline: 30th April 2022
- Selection: May/July 2022
- Projects Acceleration: Aug 2022 – Nov 2023
Verticals: Energy, Security, Health, Agriculture & other sectors like Maritime, Aviation, etc
Support program: 16 months acceleration.
Services included:
- AI4Copernicus resources & tools
- Technical Mentoring
- Business & Sustainability Mentoring
- Certification/ Trustmark
Results: 8 AI solutions to be published at AI4EU